CMSC 110 Introduction to Computing

Fall 2015
Professor Blank
Assignment #1

Due before start of class on Tuesday, September 8, 2015.


First, do all the assigned readings and tutorials assigned in class.

Design and create your own sketch using Processing. Think of yourself as a creative designer when chosing the topic of your design. This is your very first sketch, so here are some guidelines:

  • Make sure that the canvas is exactly 500 pixels by 500 pixels.
  • Make use of any of the drawing primitives learned in class in the past week: size, no/smooth, stroke, fill, point, line, rect, triangle, ellipse, quad, begin/endShape, arc, curve, mouseX, mouseY, image, etc.
  • You will be judged on creativity and aesthetics; avoid art that looks too simplistic
  • Your notebook is a way to document this experience; make sure that you include your name, and paragraphs described below

To give you some ideas, several sketches will be presented in class. Here are some additional ideas:

  • Art that has cultural significance to you
  • A self-portrait
  • An avatar or a cartoon of someone close to you
  • A city scape of a place that is important to you
  • A fabric pattern from your heritage

Make sure to follow the Code Formatting Standards in your implementation.

What to Hand in:

  • Include in your notebook a paragraph about the sketch, its inspiration, and how you designed and implemented it.
  • Include a brief discussion about your impressions on working on this assignment.
  • You will submit your homework via a "Submit" button. Details to follow.