1. Photoshop-like Functions

1.1 Green screen Effects - Chroma Key Compositing

Displaying an Image

This example introduces 6 new things related to images:

  • Processing Javascript Directives: / @pjs preload=...; /
  • PImage img;
  • img = loadImage(FILENAME);
  • img.resize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
  • img.width, img.height
  • image(img, X, Y);

First, we download an image to use:

In [1]:
%download http://blog.unem.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/11-Greenscreen-Clarissa-Knorr.jpg -f greenscreen1.jpg
Downloaded 'greenscreen1.jpg'.

Next, we display it:

In [35]:
/* @pjs preload="greenscreen1.jpg"; */

PImage img;

void setup() {
    img = loadImage("greenscreen1.jpg");
    // println("" + img.width + " x " + img.height)
    // 1920 x 1080
    // Resize to a more reasonable size:
    img.resize(int(img.width/10.0), int(img.height/10.0));
    // Make sketch size match:
    size(img.width, img.height);

void draw() {
    image(img, 0, 0);
Sketch #19:

Sketch #19 state: Loading...

Accessing each Pixel in a PImage

We can get each pixel/color in an image by using these:

  • img.loadPixels();
  • color c = img.pixels[x + y * img.width];
  • red(c), green(c), blue(c)
In [36]:
/* @pjs preload="greenscreen1.jpg"; */

PImage img;

void setup() {
    img = loadImage("greenscreen1.jpg");
    // println("" + img.width + " x " + img.height)
    // 1920 x 1080
    // Resize to a more reasonable size:
    img.resize(int(img.width/10.0), int(img.height/10.0));
    // Make sketch size match:
    size(img.width, img.height);
    // Add this to get pixel information into array:

void draw() {
    image(img, 0, 0);

void mousePressed() {
    // Make sure the index into pixels is an int:
    color pixel = img.pixels[int(mouseX + mouseY * img.width)];
    // See what color it is:
    println("Color: " + red(pixel) + ", " + green(pixel) + ", " + blue(pixel));
Sketch #20:

Sketch #20 state: Loading...

Composite Images

In addition, we can also change pixels in an image by:

  • img.pixel[x + y * width] = new_color;
  • img.updatePixels();
In [7]:
%download http://images.tenplay.com.au/~/media/News/National%20News/National%20News%20do%20not%20delete/News_National_showheader_480x210.jpg -f background1.jpg
Downloaded 'background1.jpg'.
In [37]:
/* @pjs preload="greenscreen1.jpg,background1.jpg"; */

PImage img;
PImage background;
PImage composite;

void setup() {
    img = loadImage("greenscreen1.jpg");
    img.resize(int(img.width/10.0), int(img.height/10.0));
    size(img.width, img.height);
    // get background:
    background = loadImage("background1.jpg");
    background.resize(img.width, img.height);
    // Now we image processing:
    composite = new PImage(img.width, img.height);
    for (int i = 0; i < composite.width; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < composite.height; j++) {
            // if pixel is green, get it from background
            // else get it from foreground
            if (i > composite.width/2) {
                composite.pixels[int(i + j * composite.width)] = 
                    img.pixels[int(i + j * img.width)];
            } else {
                composite.pixels[int(i + j * composite.width)] = 
                    background.pixels[int(i + j * img.width)];

void mousePressed() {
    color pixel = composite.pixels[int(mouseX + mouseY * img.width)];
    println("Color: " + 
            red(pixel) + ", " + 
            green(pixel) + ", " + 

void draw() {
    image(composite, 0, 0);
Sketch #21:

Sketch #21 state: Loading...

Composite each pixel based on color

In [38]:
/* @pjs preload="greenscreen1.jpg,background1.jpg"; */

PImage img;
PImage background;
PImage composite;

void setup() {
    img = loadImage("greenscreen1.jpg");
    img.resize(int(img.width/10.0), int(img.height/10.0));
    size(img.width, img.height);
    // get background:
    background = loadImage("background1.jpg");
    background.resize(img.width, img.height);
    // Now we image processing:
    composite = new PImage(img.width, img.height);
    for (int i = 0; i < composite.width; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < composite.height; j++) {
            color pixel = img.pixels[int(i + j * img.width)];
            float r = red(pixel);
            float g = green(pixel);
            float b = blue(pixel);
            // if pixel is green, get it from background
            if (r < 55 && 
                g < 170 && g > 145 && 
                b > 50 && b < 80) {
                composite.pixels[int(i + j * composite.width)] = background.pixels[int(i + j * img.width)];
            } else {
                // else get it from foreground
                composite.pixels[int(i + j * composite.width)] = pixel;

void mousePressed() {
    color pixel = img.pixels[int(mouseX + mouseY * img.width)];
    println("Color: " + red(pixel) + ", " + green(pixel) + ", " + blue(pixel));

void draw() {
    image(composite, 0, 0);
Sketch #22:

Sketch #22 state: Loading...

Problem 1: fix the green screen effect above to make the background a nice, uninterrupted image without any green showing through.

Problem 2: Make your own "green screen" effect using your own pictures. Use a colored blanket, for example, as your background. Do something other than a news cast simulation. For example, put yourself in an unexpected place.

1.2 Obamicon

In [34]:
%download http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c290/trebor007/image_3655004.jpg -f obama.jpg
Downloaded 'obama.jpg'.

Problem 3: Take the regular picture of Obama and see if you can produce one programmatically that looks like the artistic version.

Problem 4: Take a pictures of yourself, and make it look like an Obamicon-ified version.

1.3 Edge Detection


There are a series of image processing techniques that can be accomplished by comparing a pixel to its surrounding 8 pixels.

A sample kernel for edge detection (high-pass filter):

-1 -1 -1
-1 +9 -1
-1 -1 -1
sum = pixel1 * k[-1][-1] + 
      pixel2 * k[0][-1] +
      pixel3 * k[1][-1] +
      pixel4 * k[-1][0] +
      pixel5 * k[0][0] +
      pixel6 * k[1][0] +
      pixel7 * k[-1][1] +
      pixel8 * k[0][1] +
      pixel9 * k[1][1];
// set color at pixel5 to be sum
In [17]:
%download https://processing.org/examples/moon.jpg
Downloaded 'moon.jpg'.
In [39]:
// The next line is needed if running in JavaScript Mode with Processing.js
/* @pjs preload="moon.jpg"; */

float[][] kernel = {{ -1, -1, -1}, 
                    { -1,  9, -1}, 
                    { -1, -1, -1}};
PImage img;

void setup() { 
  size(640, 360);
  img = loadImage("moon.jpg"); // Load the original image

void draw() {
  image(img, 0, 0); // Displays the image from point (0,0) 
  // Create an opaque image of the same size as the original
  PImage edgeImg = createImage(img.width, img.height, RGB);
  // Loop through every pixel in the image.
  for (int y = 1; y < img.height-1; y++) { // Skip top and bottom edges
    for (int x = 1; x < img.width-1; x++) { // Skip left and right edges
      float sum = 0; // Kernel sum for this pixel
      for (int ky = -1; ky <= 1; ky++) {
        for (int kx = -1; kx <= 1; kx++) {
          // Calculate the adjacent pixel for this kernel point
          int pos = (y + ky)*img.width + (x + kx);
          // Image is grayscale, red/green/blue are identical
          float val = red(img.pixels[pos]);
          // Multiply adjacent pixels based on the kernel values
          sum += kernel[ky+1][kx+1] * val;
      // For this pixel in the new image, set the gray value
      // based on the sum from the kernel
      edgeImg.pixels[int(y * img.width + x)] = color(sum, sum, sum);
  // State that there are changes to edgeImg.pixels[]
  image(edgeImg, width/2, 0); // Draw the new image
Sketch #23:

Sketch #23 state: Loading...

Problem 5: Try edge detection on one of your own images, but with a purpose. What is the use of edge detection?

1.4 Blurring


A sample kernel for blurring (low-pass filter):

1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
In [40]:
// The next line is needed if running in JavaScript Mode with Processing.js
/* @pjs preload="moon.jpg"; */ 

float v = 1.0 / 9.0;
float[][] kernel = {{ v, v, v }, 
                    { v, v, v }, 
                    { v, v, v }};
PImage img;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  img = loadImage("moon.jpg"); // Load the original image

void draw() {
  image(img, 0, 0); // Displays the image from point (0,0) 

  // Create an opaque image of the same size as the original
  PImage edgeImg = createImage(img.width, img.height, RGB);

  // Loop through every pixel in the image
  for (int y = 1; y < img.height-1; y++) {   // Skip top and bottom edges
    for (int x = 1; x < img.width-1; x++) {  // Skip left and right edges
      float sum = 0; // Kernel sum for this pixel
      for (int ky = -1; ky <= 1; ky++) {
        for (int kx = -1; kx <= 1; kx++) {
          // Calculate the adjacent pixel for this kernel point
          int pos = (y + ky)*img.width + (x + kx);
          // Image is grayscale, red/green/blue are identical
          float val = red(img.pixels[pos]);
          // Multiply adjacent pixels based on the kernel values
          sum += kernel[ky+1][kx+1] * val;
      // For this pixel in the new image, set the gray value
      // based on the sum from the kernel
      edgeImg.pixels[int(y * img.width + x)] = color(sum);
  // State that there are changes to edgeImg.pixels[]

  image(edgeImg, width/2, 0); // Draw the new image
Sketch #24:

Sketch #24 state: Loading...

Problem 6: Perform blurring on one of your own images. Why might this be useful?

Bonus: combine two of the photoshop-like effects in a single image.

In [49]:
/* @pjs preload="pinkscreen.png"; */ 

PImage img;
PImage composite;
PImage moon;

void setup() {
    img = loadImage("pinkscreen.png");
    img.resize(img.width/2, img.height/2);
    size(img.width, img.height);
    composite = new PImage(img.width, img.height)

void draw() {
    image(img, 0, 0);
Sketch #32:

Sketch #32 state: Loading...