class World { float scale = 250; float at_x = 0; float at_y = 0; float w; float h; ArrayList robots = new ArrayList(); ArrayList> walls = new ArrayList>(); ArrayList colors = new ArrayList(); World(int w, int h) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.addWall(color(128, 0, 128), new PVector(0.0, 0.0), new PVector(this.w, 0.0), new PVector(this.w, 10.0), new PVector(0, 10.0)); this.addWall(color(128, 0, 128), new PVector(0, 0), new PVector(0, this.h), new PVector(10, this.h), new PVector(10, 0)); this.addWall(color(128, 0, 128), new PVector(0.0, this.h - 10.0), new PVector(0.0, this.h), new PVector(this.w, this.h), new PVector(this.w, this.h - 10.0) ); this.addWall(color(128, 0, 128), new PVector(this.w - 10.0, 0.0), new PVector(this.w, 0.0), new PVector(this.w, this.h), new PVector(this.w - 10.0, this.h)); } void addBox(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Integer col) { // add to world, scaled x1 = x1/this.w * this.w; y1 = y1/this.h * this.h; x2 = x2/this.w * this.w; y2 = y2/this.h * this.h; this.addWall(col, new PVector(x1, y1), new PVector(x2, y1), new PVector(x2, y2), new PVector(x1, y2)); } void addWall(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { // add to world, scaled this.addBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, color(128, 0, 128)); } void setScale(float s) { // scale the world... > 1 make it bigger this.scale = s * 250; } void addWall(color c, PVector v1, PVector v2, PVector v3, PVector v4) { this.colors.add(c); ArrayList wall = new ArrayList(); wall.add(v1); wall.add(v2); wall.add(v3); wall.add(v4); this.walls.add(wall); } void addRobot(Robot robot) { // scale the robot's position to this world: robot.x = robot.x/this.w * this.w; robot.y = robot.y/this.h * this.h; this.robots.add(robot); = this; } void update() { noStroke(); fill(0, 128, 0); rect(this.at_x, this.at_y, this.w, this.h); int count = 0; for (ArrayList wall: this.walls) { color c = (color)this.colors.get(count); fill(c); beginShape(); for (PVector v: wall) { vertex(v.x, v.y); } endShape(); count++; } for (Robot robot: this.robots) { robot.update(); robot.draw(); } } }