1. Using Memory

This notebook looks at including memory operations in our machine code programs.

First, some hints from the last homework.

1.1 Weird Memory

You can use %dump START STOP to look at contiguous memory locations.

In [9]:
%dump x3000 x300A
Memory dump:
           x3000: xE002
           x3001: x6201
           x3002: xF025
           x3003: xF0F0
           x3004: x000F
           x3005: x0000
           x3006: x0000
           x3007: x0000
           x3008: x0000
           x3009: x0000
           x300A: x0000

If you find that you have weird things in memory, you can perform a %reset of the LC3:

In [10]:
Welcome to the LC-3 simulator.

The contents of the LC-3 tools distribution, including sources, management
tools, and data, are Copyright (c) 2003 Steven S. Lumetta.

The LC-3 tools distribution is free software covered by the GNU General
Public License, and you are welcome to modify it and/or distribute copies
of it under certain conditions.  The file COPYING (distributed with the
tools) specifies those conditions.  There is absolutely no warranty for
the LC-3 tools distribution, as described in the file NO_WARRANTY (also
distributed with the tools).

Have fun.

PC: x3000
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [11]:
%dump x3000 x300A
Memory dump:
           x3000: x0000
           x3001: x0000
           x3002: x0000
           x3003: x0000
           x3004: x0000
           x3005: x0000
           x3006: x0000
           x3007: x0000
           x3008: x0000
           x3009: x0000
           x300A: x0000

That looks better!

1.2 Infinite Loops

If you find yourself running an infinite loop, like this:

In [12]:
.ORIG x3000
0000 111 111111111   ; BRnzp go -1
Memory dump:
           x3000: x0FFF

PC: x3001
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [13]:
Keyboard Interrupt!

Press the black square in the toolbar, or select menu -> Kernel -> Interrupt. That should send a Keyboard Interrupt to the LC3 and stop it from running.

1.3 Clear

There is no CLR instruction. You can use something like:

0101 001 001 1 00000 ;; AND R0, R0, #0

1.4 Using BR

Using a BR instruction is the only way to have any program control at all. There is no IF, FOR, WHILE, etc. You have to use BR to build such constructs.

In [3]:
.ORIG x3000
0101 000 000 1 00000 ; R0 to 0
0001 000 000 1 01010 ; R0 <- R0 
0000 010 000000011   ; BRp go to +3
0001 001 000 0 00 000 ; R1 <- R0 
0001 000 000 1 11111 ; R0 - 1
0000 111 111111100   ; BR go to -4
1111 0000 00100101   ; HALT
Memory dump:
           x3000: x1020
           x3001: x102A
           x3002: x0403
           x3003: x1220
           x3004: x103F
           x3005: x0FFC
           x3006: xF025
           x3007: x0000
           x3008: x0000
           x3009: x0000
           x300A: x0000

PC: x3007
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [4]:
Computation completed
Instructions: 44
Cycles: 267 (0.000133 milliseconds)

PC: x048E
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0001 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x3007 

1.5 Don't use a calculator, use your programming languages!

In [1]:

print(bin(16 * 15 + 15))
print(hex(16 * 15 + 15))

1.6 Loading Memory

You can stick data into memory using the .ORIG directive:

In [4]:
.ORIG x3001
Memory dump:
           x3001: xFFFF
           x3002: x0000

PC: x3002
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [5]:
.ORIG x3000
Memory dump:
           x3000: xFFFE
           x3001: xFFFF
           x3002: x0000

PC: x3001
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 

1.7 Loading from Memory

1.7.1 LD - Load

LD R4, VALUE   ; R4 <- mem[VALUE]
15 - 12 11 - 9 8 - 0
0010 DR PCoffset9

  • DR <- mem[ PC+ + SEXT(PCoffset9) ]
  • sets condition codes

1.7.2 LDI - Load Indirect

LDI R4, VALUE   ; R4 <- mem[mem[VALUE]]
15 - 12 11 - 9 8 - 0
1010 DR PCoffset9

  • DR <- mem[mem[ PC+ + SEXT(PCoffset9) ]]
  • sets condition codes

1.7.3 LDR - Load Base + Offset

LDR R4, R1, VALUE   ; R4 <- mem[R1 + VALUE]
15 - 12 11 - 9 8 - 6 5 - 0
0110 DR BaseR offset6

  • DR <- mem[ BaseR + SEXT(offset6) ]
  • sets condition codes

1.7.4 LEA - Load Effective Address

LEA R4, VALUE   ; R4 <- address of VALUE
15 - 12 11 - 9 8 - 0
1110 DR PCoffset9

  • DR <- PC+ + SEXT(PCoffset9)
  • sets condition codes


Example of LD

In [14]:
Welcome to the LC-3 simulator.

The contents of the LC-3 tools distribution, including sources, management
tools, and data, are Copyright (c) 2003 Steven S. Lumetta.

The LC-3 tools distribution is free software covered by the GNU General
Public License, and you are welcome to modify it and/or distribute copies
of it under certain conditions.  The file COPYING (distributed with the
tools) specifies those conditions.  There is absolutely no warranty for
the LC-3 tools distribution, as described in the file NO_WARRANTY (also
distributed with the tools).

Have fun.

PC: x3000
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [18]:
.ORIG x3000
0010 000 000000001 ;; load next next into R0
1111 0000 00100101 ;; HALT
1111 0000 1111 0000
Memory dump:
           x3000: x2001
           x3001: xF025
           x3002: xF0F0
           x3003: x0000
           x3004: x0000
           x3005: x0000
           x3006: x0000
           x3007: x0000
           x3008: x0000
           x3009: x0000
           x300A: x0000
           x300B: x0000
           x300C: x0000
           x300D: x0000
           x300E: x0000
           x300F: x0000
           x3010: x0000
           x3011: x0000
           x3012: x0000
           x3013: x0000
           x3014: x0000
           x3015: x0000
           x3016: x0000
           x3017: x0000
           x3018: x0000
           x3019: x0000
           x301A: x0000
           x301B: x0000
           x301C: x0000
           x301D: x0000
           x301E: x0000
           x301F: x0000
           x3020: x0000
           x3021: x0000
           x3022: x0000
           x3023: x0000
           x3024: x0000
           x3025: x0000
           x3026: x0000
           x3027: x0000
           x3028: x0000
           x3029: x0000
           x302A: x0000
           x302B: x0000
           x302C: x0000
           x302D: x0000
           x302E: x0000
           x302F: x0000
           x3030: x0000
           x3031: x0000
           x3032: x0000
           x3033: x0000
           x3034: x0000
           x3035: x0000
           x3036: x0000
           x3037: x0000
           x3038: x0000
           x3039: x0000
           x303A: x0000
           x303B: x0000
           x303C: x0000
           x303D: x0000
           x303E: x0000
           x303F: x0000
           x3040: x0000
           x3041: x0000
           x3042: x0000
           x3043: x0000
           x3044: x0000
           x3045: x0000
           x3046: x0000
           x3047: x0000
           x3048: x0000
           x3049: x0000
           x304A: x0000
           x304B: x0000
           x304C: x0000
           x304D: x0000
           x304E: x0000
           x304F: x0000
           x3050: x0000
           x3051: x0000
           x3052: x0000
           x3053: x0000
           x3054: x0000
           x3055: x0000
           x3056: x0000
           x3057: x0000
           x3058: x0000
           x3059: x0000
           x305A: x0000
           x305B: x0000
           x305C: x0000
           x305D: x0000
           x305E: x0000
           x305F: x0000
           x3060: x0000
           x3061: x0000
           x3062: x0000
           x3063: x0000

PC: x3003
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [19]:
Computation completed
Instructions: 2
Cycles: 19 (0.000010 milliseconds)

PC: x048E
N: 1 Z: 0 P: 0 
R0: xF0F0 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x3002 

Example of LDI

In [17]:
1111 1110 1110 1101
Memory dump:
           xF0F0: xFEED

PC: xF0F1
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [20]:
.ORIG x3000
1010 000 000000001 ;; R0 <- mem[mem[]]
1111 0000 00100101 ;; HALT
1111 0000 1111 0000
Memory dump:
           x3000: xA001
           x3001: xF025
           x3002: xF0F0
           x3003: x0000
           x3004: x0000
           x3005: x0000
           x3006: x0000
           x3007: x0000
           x3008: x0000
           x3009: x0000
           x300A: x0000
           x300B: x0000
           x300C: x0000
           x300D: x0000
           x300E: x0000
           x300F: x0000
           x3010: x0000
           x3011: x0000
           x3012: x0000
           x3013: x0000
           x3014: x0000
           x3015: x0000
           x3016: x0000
           x3017: x0000
           x3018: x0000
           x3019: x0000
           x301A: x0000
           x301B: x0000
           x301C: x0000
           x301D: x0000
           x301E: x0000
           x301F: x0000
           x3020: x0000
           x3021: x0000
           x3022: x0000
           x3023: x0000
           x3024: x0000
           x3025: x0000
           x3026: x0000
           x3027: x0000
           x3028: x0000
           x3029: x0000
           x302A: x0000
           x302B: x0000
           x302C: x0000
           x302D: x0000
           x302E: x0000
           x302F: x0000
           x3030: x0000
           x3031: x0000
           x3032: x0000
           x3033: x0000
           x3034: x0000
           x3035: x0000
           x3036: x0000
           x3037: x0000
           x3038: x0000
           x3039: x0000
           x303A: x0000
           x303B: x0000
           x303C: x0000
           x303D: x0000
           x303E: x0000
           x303F: x0000
           x3040: x0000
           x3041: x0000
           x3042: x0000
           x3043: x0000
           x3044: x0000
           x3045: x0000
           x3046: x0000
           x3047: x0000
           x3048: x0000
           x3049: x0000
           x304A: x0000
           x304B: x0000
           x304C: x0000
           x304D: x0000
           x304E: x0000
           x304F: x0000
           x3050: x0000
           x3051: x0000
           x3052: x0000
           x3053: x0000
           x3054: x0000
           x3055: x0000
           x3056: x0000
           x3057: x0000
           x3058: x0000
           x3059: x0000
           x305A: x0000
           x305B: x0000
           x305C: x0000
           x305D: x0000
           x305E: x0000
           x305F: x0000
           x3060: x0000
           x3061: x0000
           x3062: x0000
           x3063: x0000

PC: x3003
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [21]:
Computation completed
Instructions: 2
Cycles: 21 (0.000010 milliseconds)

PC: x048E
N: 1 Z: 0 P: 0 
R0: xFEED R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x3002 

Example of LDR and LEA

In [22]:
.ORIG x3000
1110 000 000000010  ;; LEA R0 <- address of [PC+ + 2]
0110 001 000 000001 ;; LDR R1 <- mem[r0 + 1]
1111 0000 00100101  ;; HALT
1111 0000 1111 0000
0000 0000 0000 1111 
Memory dump:
           x3000: xE002
           x3001: x6201
           x3002: xF025
           x3003: xF0F0
           x3004: x000F
           x3005: x0000
           x3006: x0000
           x3007: x0000
           x3008: x0000
           x3009: x0000
           x300A: x0000
           x300B: x0000
           x300C: x0000
           x300D: x0000
           x300E: x0000
           x300F: x0000
           x3010: x0000
           x3011: x0000
           x3012: x0000
           x3013: x0000
           x3014: x0000
           x3015: x0000
           x3016: x0000
           x3017: x0000
           x3018: x0000
           x3019: x0000
           x301A: x0000
           x301B: x0000
           x301C: x0000
           x301D: x0000
           x301E: x0000
           x301F: x0000
           x3020: x0000
           x3021: x0000
           x3022: x0000
           x3023: x0000
           x3024: x0000
           x3025: x0000
           x3026: x0000
           x3027: x0000
           x3028: x0000
           x3029: x0000
           x302A: x0000
           x302B: x0000
           x302C: x0000
           x302D: x0000
           x302E: x0000
           x302F: x0000
           x3030: x0000
           x3031: x0000
           x3032: x0000
           x3033: x0000
           x3034: x0000
           x3035: x0000
           x3036: x0000
           x3037: x0000
           x3038: x0000
           x3039: x0000
           x303A: x0000
           x303B: x0000
           x303C: x0000
           x303D: x0000
           x303E: x0000
           x303F: x0000
           x3040: x0000
           x3041: x0000
           x3042: x0000
           x3043: x0000
           x3044: x0000
           x3045: x0000
           x3046: x0000
           x3047: x0000
           x3048: x0000
           x3049: x0000
           x304A: x0000
           x304B: x0000
           x304C: x0000
           x304D: x0000
           x304E: x0000
           x304F: x0000
           x3050: x0000
           x3051: x0000
           x3052: x0000
           x3053: x0000
           x3054: x0000
           x3055: x0000
           x3056: x0000
           x3057: x0000
           x3058: x0000
           x3059: x0000
           x305A: x0000
           x305B: x0000
           x305C: x0000
           x305D: x0000
           x305E: x0000
           x305F: x0000
           x3060: x0000
           x3061: x0000
           x3062: x0000
           x3063: x0000

PC: x3005
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000 
In [23]:
Computation completed
Instructions: 3
Cycles: 24 (0.000012 milliseconds)

PC: x048E
N: 0 Z: 0 P: 1 
R0: x3003 R1: x000F R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x3003 
In [8]:
.ORIG x3100
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0001
Memory dump:
           x3100: x0001
           x3101: x0001
           x3102: x0001
           x3103: x0001
           x3104: x0001
           x3105: x0001
           x3106: x0001
           x3107: x0001
           x3108: x0001
           x3109: x0001
           x310A: x0000
           x310B: x0000
           x310C: x0000
           x310D: x0000
           x310E: x0000
           x310F: x0000
           x3110: x0000
           x3111: x0000
           x3112: x0000
           x3113: x0000
           x3114: x0000
           x3115: x0000
           x3116: x0000
           x3117: x0000
           x3118: x0000
           x3119: x0000
           x311A: x0000
           x311B: x0000
           x311C: x0000
           x311D: x0000
           x311E: x0000
           x311F: x0000
           x3120: x0000
           x3121: x0000
           x3122: x0000
           x3123: x0000
           x3124: x0000
           x3125: x0000
           x3126: x0000
           x3127: x0000
           x3128: x0000
           x3129: x0000
           x312A: x0000
           x312B: x0000
           x312C: x0000
           x312D: x0000
           x312E: x0000
           x312F: x0000
           x3130: x0000
           x3131: x0000
           x3132: x0000
           x3133: x0000
           x3134: x0000
           x3135: x0000
           x3136: x0000
           x3137: x0000
           x3138: x0000
           x3139: x0000
           x313A: x0000
           x313B: x0000
           x313C: x0000
           x313D: x0000
           x313E: x0000
           x313F: x0000
           x3140: x0000
           x3141: x0000
           x3142: x0000
           x3143: x0000
           x3144: x0000
           x3145: x0000
           x3146: x0000
           x3147: x0000
           x3148: x0000
           x3149: x0000
           x314A: x0000
           x314B: x0000
           x314C: x0000
           x314D: x0000
           x314E: x0000
           x314F: x0000
           x3150: x0000
           x3151: x0000
           x3152: x0000
           x3153: x0000
           x3154: x0000
           x3155: x0000
           x3156: x0000
           x3157: x0000
           x3158: x0000
           x3159: x0000
           x315A: x0000
           x315B: x0000
           x315C: x0000
           x315D: x0000
           x315E: x0000
           x315F: x0000
           x3160: x0000
           x3161: x0000
           x3162: x0000
           x3163: x0000

PC: x310A
N: 0 Z: 1 P: 0 
R0: x0000 R1: x0000 R2: x0000 R3: x0000 
R4: x0000 R5: x0000 R6: x0000 R7: x0000